About Me

Recent Education

MSc in Computer Science for Games Development
September 2020 to 2022

C++ Programming and Design
Real-Time Graphics
Simulation and Artificial Intelligence
Games Architecture and Concurrency
Advanced Rendering and Virtual Environments
Development Project
Computer Science Dissertation

Recent Position

Software Developer at Jaguar Land Rover in Shannon, Ireland.
February 2019 to July 2020

Development of microservices as part of an agile team (Scrum) mainly using the following technologies:

- Node.js
- RabbitMQ
- Docker
- Gitlab CI CD
- Google Cloud


Here you can find some projects I have been working.

3D Gallery

It's a 3D Scene developed to simulate a virtual gallery.
- DirectX 11 and DirectXMath
- C++ and Visual Studio 2019
- Assimp to load models
- Gouraud shading
- Phong shading
- Bump mapping
- Directional, point, and spotlights
- Planar shadow and shadow mapping
- GPU particle system


Galton Board

It's a 3D physics simulation of a Galton Board, where I wrote a small physics framework to handle collision between Spheres, AABB, and OBB.
Also, I implemented a Quadtree algorithm to handle hundreds of collisions.

- OpenGL
- C++
- Visual Studio 2019
- Physics framework
- Quadtree


Search for a Star 2021

It's a project developed for the Search for a Star competition 2021.
The game's concept is to choose to play between a spy and a soldier that has to infiltrate in a military base to collect essential data.

- C# and Unity 2020.2.1f1
- Created and configured the animation controllers for the 3D models
- Finite State Machine scripts for the enemies behaviours
- Character controller script for the spy and soldier
- Camera controller script to handle camera from keyboard or gamepad
- Navigation Mesh to manage movement (patrol, chase) for enemies
- Assets imported from the Asset Software


Zombie Wave

It's a minimalist twin-stick shooter developed for the Global Game Jam 2017 under the theme "Waves". The game is a 3D game with a 2D perspective from above, consisting of surviving for three minutes from waves of enemies (zombies!?). The players have to continually move around the level to avoid that the room's lights turn off. The ammo is limited, but eventually, more ammo and life are spawned.

- C# and Unity
- Enemy navigation scripts
- Spawning scripts
- General scripts


Top-Down Shooter

It's a top-down shooter prototype developed from scratch. The player has to kill all enemies in the level to complete the mission. The level was designed using a tool named Tiled and imported into the game engine. The enemies follow a path defined inside Tiled and chase and shoot the player when in line of sight.

- 2D engine using C++, SDL2, and Lua
- Line of Sight and field of view of the enemies
- Steering behaviours (seek, flee, arrive, path following) to steer enemies
- Finite state machine to control enemies' behaviours
- A* pathfinding for the enemies' movement
- Messaging system to exchange messages among the gameobjects



It's a minimalist starship arena developed from scratch. The game should be played by two players using the keyboard. Each ship has a regular weapon plus a unique gun, one uses a guided-missile, and other uses a flare to misguide the guided-missile.

- 2D engine using a component-system approach
- C++ and SDL2
- Basic physics system
- Event system
- Input system
- Steering behaviours to missile guidance (pursuit) and misleading (flee)